The British team was composed of Biard in a Supermarine 'Sea Lion III' and Kenworthy
whose aircraft, a
Blackburn Pellet, was damaged
during the tests.
The United-States arrived three weeks before the race with two
CR-3s to be flown by David Rittenhouse and Rutledge Irvine and a
Navy Wright N.W.2 to be flown by Lt. F.W. Wead. One Navy TR-3A was brought
along as a substitute.
France, arriving just two days prior to the race, was represented by a CAMS flown by Hurel, a
Latham L.1 flown by Duhamel and a Blanchard flown by par Teste. There were two substitutes: Pelletier d'Oisy in a
CAMS 36bis and Benoit. The Latham, kept in reserve, was lost It drifted away after breaking from its mooring.
This race began by flying across the starting line, then landing and navigating on the water for one kilometer, then another take off followed by a landing and navigation, and finally a take off and flight across the finish line to complete the circuit.
Only the Blackburn Pellet failed to qualify when the plane turned over at the beginning of the race. Kenworthy, the pilot, was injured.
The race took place in clear weather, on a very calm sea. Biard crossed the finish line flying instead of navigating, and had to start again.
The winner was Rittenhouse followed by Irvine. Biard was third. Hurel quit during the second lap.