Participation was more various and numerous.
The French team's qualifying round took place on April 8. Qualifying were: Espanet and Levasseur in a Nieuport, and
Roland Garros in a Morane-Saulnier. Those
eliminated were:
Brindejonc des Moulinais in a Morane-Saulnier, Bertin in a Nieuport, Prévost and Janoir in a Deperdussin.
U.S. competitors were Weyman in a Nieuport and Thaw in a Deperdussin.
Three new nations were present: Great-Britain, represented by Howard Pixton in
a Sopwith 'Tabloid' and Lord Carbery in a Morane-Saulnier. Switzerland was represented
Burri in a FBA. Stöffler flew for Germany
in an Aviatik.
Pixton won the race, Burry finished second, Espanet quit on the 16th lap, Levasseur on the 17th, Lord Carbery on the third. The other competitors did not start the race.
The competition was then interrupted for five years due to World War I.